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Performance Improvement
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Proven methods resulting in increased revenue and enhanced margins.

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Performance Improvement

Revenue increases and/or margin enhancement comes from the application of experience in:

bullet Full company strategic planning
bullet New Products Development
bullet Advertising strategy and execution
bullet Sales force management
bullet Just plain creative thinking
bullet Joint venture creation
bullet Company sale / acquisition support
bullet Products / Services marketing positioning
bullet Market research information application
bullet Full team coordination
Margin Enhancement:
bullet Investment return evaluation
bullet Cash flow support and sourcing
bullet Efficient risk management
bullet Insurance / benefits pricing
bullet Labor management
bullet Tax credits utilization
bullet Integrated cost accounting
bullet Process management
bullet Outsourced services
bullet Legal protection process
bullet HR oversight
bullet Timely management information
bullet Employee motivation
bullet Priority setting
bullet Company processes set vs. operating details retained only in the minds of employees
bullet Accountability enforcement
bullet Tax planning

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